You may often portray Wild Beasts as vulgar and violent species and you would be right to do so. Many of them flesh eaters who need no second chances, a bit like the music industry really. To make it in this ruthless music industry you have to have a gift, something special. Many bands have fallen by the wayside because they haven’t been brutal enough, several of them in it just for the rider. This band however, under the name Wild Beasts have stepped up to the mark. Not just with the bold name, but with the music following suit.
Debut single ‘Hooting & Howling’ creates a sense of ore when listened to. A feeling of child-like nature with enormous but delicate falsetto vocals, and gracefully plucked guitar strings that creates a mysterious wave of pleasure travelling through your ears. “Girls are not worth the fines I’m paying” sums up the light hearted but obvious trouble with women, love and relationships, this theme carries on throughout the song. Another song about love and relationships? Yes, this is no James blunt or Taylor Swift though.
Sophisticated, and intelligent music with a mystical and mysterious twist. My local record store is a must when the album release date is finally here.
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